Return Unto Me ~
...Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Isa:30:10
Well, they still are.
-The Schmucks Among Us-
I have made the foolish move (again), of listening to the short wave (again). I cruised half the night until my stomach was in knots but could not find one preacher who didn't have his/her foot in his/her mouth or his/her hand in his/her listener's wallets. Typically, I heard the "oil and incantations" pastor making excuses why his and the congregation's prayer, calling down fire upon their "enemies", hadn't worked quite yet. And the chop job on the scriptures he used to support the excuse was superb. Funny, he didn't use much scripture to support their "fire" prayer. Huh. And he's still making good money to push his poison onto the air waves.
I heard profound Truth from a humble sounding "gentleman" until he told me that I had to keep every Jewish feast day on the calendar, or my salvation was toast. I spoke into the stupid radio and asked this preacher if the first century Gentiles who came to Christ had ANY knowledge of anything Jewish or Mosaic! But he kept on preaching....... And asked for money to keep "his" ministry afloat.
I heard profound Truth from a very young fellow, until I was lambasted with the fact that calling upon the name of Jesus and "Father" was actually calling upon one of many demons who had assumed the persona of God and had deceived me as to the proper naming of, (what he truly represented), a God who lies. And we mustn't forget to send in a donation to keep "his" ministry floating in the toilet bowl of modern "Christian" mainstream media.
The night wore on.........
I heard Gloria, Pat, Billy and Benny going on about our health, wealth and eternal security and lapping up them rich petroleum stock dividends as mentioned in Matt 25. Nothing new here. Need I mention "love gifts"? Didn't think so.
I heard the Guru of CUFI (Christians United For Israel) charging up the mega-crowd with his demonically inspired rhetoric, almost making heaven itself regurgitate in disgust. I couldn't understand why this Guru told his crowd that he would not proselytize Israelis with the gospel of Jesus Christ but that he wanted to be their "friend and ally". James 4:4? I asked the radio, aren't preachers supposed to spread the gospel of Christ to the world which includes Israelis? No Gospel here. No nothing here. Huh. Go figure. CUFI. Sounds Egyptian doesn't it. Send those donations anyway. Keep the poison flowing. Set 'em up Joe. Delusion Daiquiris, on the house!
I heard a now deceased "preacher" describe how wealthy the FEW who will find Life should be while sojourning here, according to Matt 19:29. And how the "few" were idiots if they didn't seek an earthly blessing for forsaking everything to follow Christ. Uh, what about Matt 6:19-20? Of course, his prodigy now continues with his old "sermons" in order to keep that drafty hovel of a 'Cathedral' operating and the bottom line fat. Prosperity if you believe. Yeah, money again.
Two aspirins later...
I heard a "Prophetic Watch-man" babbling about Jesus Christ, humility and suffering while interviewing a special guest that was speaking of the housing market bubble, the stock market and the NEED for last days Saints to buy gold and silver to make it through until Jesus raptures them out of here. I asked the "Watch-man", what's prophetic about this? Nope, no answer. But buy the CD's and study material and support us on TV too! Woo Hoo! Watta deal eh?
And between these, at almost every revolution of the dial was the last day prophet of God crushing the survivors of the great radio search, with his nonsense about his "ordination" and his plagiarized "gospel" rhetoric. Keep it coming. Yeah, the money too.
Before total dyspepsia set in, I stumbled upon a King James only preacher from out my way. He preaches the blood of Christ and the blood of illegal aliens, the government, the NWO and the list goes on and on. And, oh yeah, from the purses of his bloodthirsty congregation flows the mammon to step him up into a more main stream media provider so folks can hear his Guns AND God preaching further across the planet. Lovely. Do I hear dogs barking? Dumb dogs? Maybe.
Their poison is like the poison of a serpent:
they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear; Psalms:58:4
I clicked off the radio with the sounds of "buy my book", "buy gold and silver", "kill all them pukes", "send us a donation for God's work", "tax deductible love offering", "tapes and CD's you MUST have", "A new revelation from God for only $25.95"...ringing in my bleeding ears. No Christ of the Bible. No single eye. No repentance for the sake of the Lord. Just the wolves doing their best as vessels fitted for wrath. Bleary-eyed and sick at heart, I dragged myself out of the ditch and returned to the simplicity I knew as Christ. It seems that I had only found the wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked (Rev:3:17). Apostasy and hypocrisy as far as the eye can see. No Great Pumpkin here Charlie Brown.
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire,
and the prophets thereof divine for money:
yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us?
none evil can come upon us.
It's a graveyard of apostasy out there in media land Saints; And in the churches that dot the landscape from sea to shining sea. Everyone says that the Lord is with them in their "ministry". They never mention that nothing truly belongs to them including their ministry. It is God's. And when was the last time God received your "offering" in heaven? So why are we (I) even listening to the voices anymore? For my part (in part), I have a job to do to watch and warn. I think I'm really done with it though. Our Father reminded me that He told me years ago that the Watchmen were being called from the walls. I didn't need any proof of that after ruining a perfectly good evening. There is a famine in the land Saints. Believe it. And those who support these "ministries" on the radio, net and TV, are providing aid and comfort to the enemy. It's just grease for a faster, smoother trip down the wide road to destruction. Those who support "ministries" like this, are those described in Isa30:9, ... this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD. These multitudes of itching eared sheep have paid for their entertainment just as the Lord says in Isaiah. So with delusion firmly in place, we must move on.
There's an old Yiddish word for these hireling wolves. It is 'Schmuck'. It is defined as an obnoxious and contemptible person. The literal Yiddish definition is something I cannot write here. But rest assured it has everything to do with the "belly" we speak of as ruling over these people (Rom16:18). As a matter of fact, I can say that this definition is of a body part that lies just below the belly. Either way, what I heard was from Schmucks!
Now, I know this sounds like an extension of "What Are We Preaching". So it is in part. But, I would like to use this to preface what I believe to be an important, constant message from God to His Saints, straying or otherwise. When we make the effort to blot out the voices we can hear the Spirit of God clearly.
I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions,
and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me;
for I have redeemed thee. Isa:44:22
-Return To Me-
The noise around us is so loud. The din of the bustle of a dying world and the raucous clamor of damned souls overlap and ring in our tortured ears. Through the noise and clamor of modern day apostasy, masquerading as "Christianity", comes a voice that can only be heard by the power of the Spirit of God in His Saints and those He is calling out to for repentance. A voice that can only be heard when we shut out the kingdoms of this world and enter into our Refuge and closet with our (yet) very quiet God.
Those of us consecrated to our God, serving Him only, remember how stiff-necked His people were in the OT. Are we any different today? Hardly. Worse, I'd reckon. At least a 'few' of us can see the importance of heeding God's call and following Jesus Christ to Him. A 'few' of us know of the importance of separation from the world and the harlot. There were those in the OT who did not heed God's warnings and pleas. We know of many passages, but Amos flies well in the faces of those who disregard God's Love for them and opt to follow their own bellies...
Am:4:6: And I also have given you cleanness of teeth in all your cities, and want of bread in all your places: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.Am:4:8: So two or three cities wandered unto one city, to drink water; but they were not satisfied: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.Am:4:9: I have smitten you with blasting and mildew: when your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.Am:4:10: I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your camps to come up unto your nostrils: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.Am:4:11: I have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.
Hasn't this nation been cursed with many plagues? Can we afford to eat, even work a job anymore? Haven't we lost cities and citizens to great storms, our children to the spirit of the flesh? Aren't our kids "dying for their country" like they were when some of us grew up in the 60's? Haven't taxes crippled us, our "leaders" taken us to the cleaners? I'm starting to sound like Alex aren't I? Wait, I'm getting to a punch line that NO ONE ever dares go to, because it would cut off the mammon flow! Where was I, ...oh yes... Our food isn't safe OR good to eat today. And can we afford "health care"? Aren't we being prepared for a planetary Flu epidemic that will wipe out millions? Aren't we included in the 2/3 reduction of the planetary population according to the "plan" proposed by Kissinger and Gorbechev and the Social Engineering crowd at the UN? Can we sleep with our doors or windows opened anymore? Haven't the killing fields come to our schools and churches? ...'nuff asked. On to the punch line....
The fault does not really lie with our leaders. The fault does not lie with the secret societies. The fault does not even lie with Satan's Pimps in the Pulpits. The fault lies within every heart which has rejected the call of God, back to God, through Jesus Christ. The fault lies with a nation, a collective whole, a "one nation under God", which has rejected the Way of God and taken another road. And as spoken by Amos the Prophet, God is bashing our heads in and we still WILL NOT REPENT and return to God! Now that doesn't sound like Alex, does it? No, it sounds like the bible. It sounds like this unprofitable servant, reminding US again of just why we are being shredded and thrown to the sharks! The ONLY answer lies in Truth, in Christ and in repentance! NOT in the radio, net or TV cesspool! God gave the powerful media ministries as well as the kitchen table "preachers", the POWER to deceive! And they ARE! Too many exclamation points? Not enough, I'd say.
What did we learn from 911 - NOTHING!
What did we learn from Katrina, Hugo, Andrew, etc. - NOTHING!
What did we learn from Columbine, Wisconsin, Lancaster - NOTHING!
What did we learn from E coli in our food - NOTHING!
What did we learn from our fires, droughts and floods - NOTHING!
What did we learn from the gas crunch, the loss of our manufacturing jobs - NOTHING!
What did we learn from the curse of autisms, abortions, cancers - NOTHING!
....and this wasn't God's doing?
And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. Rev 16:9
Don't blame the globalists. If we do, we're dumber than stones! We suffer by our own hands. We bring the thunder from the sky folks. The Lord our God is only accommodating our bad choices to forsake Him and love the world. And He's doing a bang up job of it. So what's next? His prophecies are coming to be done upon this world. There is NO turning back now. "What's next", is only for a 'few'. The 'many' aren't listening and are being positioned to curse God for His Holy retribution.
Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.
But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Mal:3:7
God is calling out to those few who will listen to him and seek the only Way to real peace and safety, this side of Heaven. The 'way' is direct fellowship with the Creator. God is ALL about reconciliation. The Gospel is ALL about reconciliation. Eze:37:23: Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of all their dwellingplaces, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God. God's called out ones sinned! God called them to repent and return to Him and He would bless them. What's not to understand about God's Love here? Look at God's promises in Ezekiel :
Eze:18:17: That hath taken off his hand from the poor, that hath not received usury nor increase, hath executed my judgments, hath walked in my statutes; he shall not die for the iniquity of his father, he shall surely live.Eze:18:21: But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.Eze:18:28: Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die.Eze:33:15: If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.
Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever,
because he delighteth in mercy. Mic:7:18
Well, who's receiving His mercy, the reprobates today? In small part because they're still allowed to breath. But God is speaking to His Elect, His "remnant". God's Word was made flesh (Joh:1:14), full of grace and truth. That is how much reconciliation is worth to God. His own Son, Jesus Christ; To be the only Way to the Father. Forget the Law and the Temple. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Joh:3:15 Too easy? Too simple? For our light-speed lives and complex 'informed' brains today, I'd say so.
Yes, that's how much God loves the world! But perish many do. Instead of loving the Truth, they are seeking a way that seems right to them (Proverb:14:12), ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2Tm:3:7). It has been established that many go the way of destruction. We see the evidence of that today. It has also been established that few will ever find Life.
-for in them ye think ye have eternal life-
I would like to digress a bit and cover a point I hear made by the false teachers, pastors and preachers, everywhere today. I hear ALL of them make reference that the words in Scripture are the "living Word of God". They are correct when they say inerrant word. But that's where the agreement with them ends. Look hard at John5:39: Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. The false teachers tell us, by their very words, that there is Life in a paper book filled with words in ink. They further make the subtle implication that it is THEY that can interpret these words and guide YOU to Life. The harlot, apostate church today believes that IN these Wolves and through their "guidance", they think they have eternal life. If we fall into this semantically baited trap, we are rejecting the Holy Spirit of God outright! There is no Life in ink on paper. Prove it, you say? 1Jo:2:27: But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. Just who is the "same anointing"?
WHO was received on Pentecost? A Bible?! Did the first century, nameless multitudes of Saints receive a Torah, a Bible? Or did they receive the Living Spirit of God which opened their eyes, convicted them, taught them, spoke to them? Did the first century Saints receive a pastor telling them that he was their ultimate authority? That they needed nothing more than his words to guide them into the Kingdom? Jesus told the Pharisees they barred the way into the kingdom and neither went in themselves (M't:23:13). Jesus told the Pharisees that they stopped people from going in! The Spirit was calling them and leading them and the Pharisees stopped this and diverted the attention away from the leading of the Holy Spirit, right to themselves. Sounds like what we've been discussing here doesn't it?!
Question. Did you receive the Holy Spirit because you read Him into existence from a Bible? Did you receive the Promise of Life because you read a Bible? Did you even care about the Bible UNTIL you were called? Did you receive the Holy Spirit through Zondervan? Are we nuts? Saints, Bible WORSHIP is one of the most subtle deceptions going. It is a deception to keep the focus on the one "preaching" from it and NOT on the Holy Spirit of God in us. By using the very Holy words of God Himself, the wolves have willfully diverted the heavenly flow of the Holy Spirit around to funnel the blind sheep into their own vineyards away from the Kingdom the sheep are commanded to seek. The Sheep now find another kingdom they have become willingly (or otherwise) trapped in. Our churches, based upon this fact alone, have become slaughter houses led by butchers of the Truth. These soul butchers lead the flocks away from Christ and the Holy Spirit's authority and have taken into their hands, the very task that ONLY the Holy Spirit can perform. Thieves and robbers (John10:1). And can anyone ever return from this? Not without the Holy Spirit.
Rom10:17: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Faith DOES NOT come by ink on paper; But by HEARING from God Himself through His Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that empowers us and opens our stopped up ears! NOT the wolves. The words of scripture TESTIFY of this Power and of the Goodness and Mercy of God! Memorizing scripture won't hold an ounce of importance to Jesus Christ! He'll look for His Spirit and FRUITS of said Spirit.
There is NO Life on paper Saints. There is only Life in the Living Jesus Christ and by His Living Holy Spirit alone. The ink on paper is a testimony, a confirmation of God's Living Word. Just as your living, walking, testimony of the Holy Spirit in you is. Ink on paper is NOT THE LIVING WORD. Do we hand a piece of paper to those we witness to, describing the life within us or do we LIVE our witness?! This is sick. The power of the Living Word, Jesus Christ, has been relegated to the trash heap. The Spirit of God through Jesus, has been relegated to a back seat and that's royal blasphemy. Think about it. You can call me a heretic until the cows come home but the truth is the truth. If I had to flee without my Bible, I'd darn well had better have more than words in my head to sustain me. I'd better have the Living Spirit of God guiding, teaching, speaking to me! The first century Saints had NO books, tapes, CD's, concordances, devotionals or spiritual Pimps on the radio to guide them. They had the HOLY SPIRIT of God! And if you rely on printed paper instead of coveting God's Living Spirit in you, you're studying to show yourselves approved for God's wrath and hell. Chew on this! Let's get it right. Period. End of digression.
Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways,
saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions;
so iniquity shall not be your ruin. Eze:18:30
Twenty centuries after Christ's Gospel was first preached, we have been immersed in gross and fatal error in virtually ALL we have been taught by men, and that which is taught today. If you can call what we hear today "teaching". Our Foundations look like Swiss Cheese. Our God is calling upon His true Church to repent and come back to Him, His Rock and Redeemer and we haven't the slightest idea how to get there anymore. What, none of the formulas you paid for working for you? We don't know the way because we have believed the lies of mere men cloaked in their dark fathers light. Men who claim to preach the Gospel, wisdom and understanding and operate from seared consciences passed down to them by those of equally seared consciences. And there is no hope, by God's own Word, confirmed and testified to in the Scriptures, for revival of any kind to occur in this world. There is only hope of revival in the hearts and minds of His Saints and those He yet calls. And the need is great for a continual purging of the poisonous lies we have been fed throughout the millennia. And I believe that this is happening in God's TRUE Church in the wilderness. The rest of the deceived await nothing short of Judgment now. We are stored up for fire and it has begun to manifest itself.
Eze:18:30: Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; Isa:53:6 There is only Hope for those who 'hear' and for those who, by hearing God's Spirit, the Word, Jesus Christ, hold fast to the true Faith they have been given. I write to the Saints. I implore the Saints to consider their own walk with Christ; To examine what they have built upon their Foundation of Christ. Some of us stray off the Way. Some of us want to believe in what we can see and touch and audibly hear. We will be disqualified if we persist in grasping for crutches instead of our gift of Faith. We can trust none BUT God. I plainly and gladly tell you often not to trust even me. I plainly tell you to get on your knees and beg for the Truth from God. Let Him confirm or deny what even this worm of a servant brings to the table. For your blood will be on your own hands, not mine. And I have a terrifying responsibility to give what God sends and to step aside and point to the Cross instead of myself. Don't send me money. Save yourselves by the Faith you have been given. To the glory of God and God alone.
God is calling us, His Saints, to return to Him and give up the abominable practices we have become comfortable with as a result of listening to the teachings of vain men and their Jezebel counterparts out there. The Holy Spirit is not on the short wave, internet, TV or at your local whorehouse called a church. The Holy Spirit is outside the door to your heart calling for you to let Him in. Your personal tutor from the heart of God waits to teach you. And you're too busy flipping papers and studying to show yourself approved of your neighbors to even care that the real thing, Life, is out there just beyond the door you locked.
I the LORD have spoken it: it shall come to pass, and I will do it; I will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent; according to thy ways,
and according to thy doings, shall they judge thee, saith the Lord GOD.
The uncopyrighted Bible I am privileged to own, testifies to all I have presented to you from the Word of God. I, myself, will never rely upon a physical device as a bringer of the Knowledge of God or for the salvation of my soul or upon the fact that someone calls me a "Brother" or a "Christian". I've been called much worse, ...and still am. At least I hold to the choice I made as to Whom I will believe. And I'm sticking with it. That's more than I can say about the majority. No, I will rely upon the Living Spirit of the Living God alone, as the Scriptures testify to. And for me, there is no going back. Make your own choices.
-In Closing-
The days grow darker in the hearts and minds of men and women. The clouds of Judgment have gathered above the veil of evil and the willingly deceived in God's once thriving Vineyard. And the leading bands of a hard rain have begun to fall upon the world and the rebellious Camp of God. God's true Watchmen have been called to another station. A famine of the Word and Truth rages. The time is at hand. The board is set and the pieces are moving. Repent. Give up all of your life, (your reasonable service?), and Love God with all of your heart, soul and mind. Trust in Him only Saints. Not this piece of clay or any other. Endure hardness, suffering, depravity, and rejection Christ. Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive (Eze:18:27). May you find Life at the end of your journey Saints. And as Peter said, "Receive the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. It is written, "he that endureth to the end, shall be saved". And I pray, the "way" might have gotten a little narrower for some of you.
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void,
but it shall accomplish that which I please,
and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
God bless, strengthen and keep you Saints. By the power of His Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ His Lamb, the Way, Truth and Life. So be it.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
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