Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tide Rises

The Tide Rises

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. 2Co:4:8-10

There can be no doubt in the collective mind of the World's societies that we have entered into a season of tribulation here upon the Earth and within men's and women's hearts. Even the proverbial rose-colored glasses which our leadership and media peddle with every lie and carefully spun fabrication of their version of the truth, cannot shut out the light of the reality of these wicked times. Even those of the Contrary spirit can sense the uneasiness. The vexation of their spirits is easily discernable. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2Tm:3:1

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. M't:24:21
Without exception, never in the history of man will there be such a storm that will break upon the World, according to our Master Jesus. The sacking and destruction of Jerusalem prophesied by God cannot be established as a precedent by which to gauge the wrath at our door. The final destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the dispersion of it's people would amount to but a footnote compared to the prophesied tribulation that looms over us; That is even now awakening in all of the Realms of the spirit. And it's evil tide has washed over the entire realm of this physical world. It holds fast. The dark work has begun in earnest. Until the return of Jesus Christ, this is now the condition of our "world". It will not be getting better. If we face this head on with good cheer, straight up, we will be better equipped to persevere as exhorted in Matt 10:22. Simple question here is, "Which God do we serve?"

For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares;
they set a trap, they catch men. Jer:5:26
We have gone down into the breech. We are past the "brink", the point of no return, despite what the babbling angels of light would say, ...or our 'governance'. Since the Garden we have been warned of the deceivers that would come among us. (see also: M't:7:15 - M't:24:4-5 - M't:24:24 - Ac:20:29, to name a few) All throughout the NT we are exhorted to be not deceived! Take heed therefore how ye hear... Lu:8:18! These are not the days of freedom and white doves with olive branches. Freedom has always been an illusion. Our congregations are enslaved by the Wolves as surely as they are enslaved by the secular, civil system. As today's "Godliness" is only a form, so also is this illusion of freedom. Be not deceived. True freedom lies in the Spirit and only the Son of God can set men truly free.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 2Tm:4:3
The "leaders" of our many churches and denominations are corrupted by the flesh, their bellies filled with ill-gotten spoils, hands covered in blood for not warning their flocks to repent of their wickedness and their very souls lie void of the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These are purveyors of Dark Light. Those of you who have come out of these dens of spiritual adultery have been drawn out by God your Father and you have received sight and clarity in this matter of discerning the Darkness posing as Light! Amen to the Savior of our souls!

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;
whose end shall be according to their works. 2Cor:11:14-15
Our churches and denominations are mere spiritual brothels now. It's leaders, ...satanic Pimps. It's members are deceived harlots, reveling in their riches, pomp and vanity, while their souls quietly rot away. They hear not God's Word because they are not of God (Joh:8:47). But we all know this. Don't we?
We should not be struggling to return to fellowship with darkness in ANY MEASURE. We have no accord with Belial. (2Cor6:14) We should not be struggling to "save" them either. We face nothing but contention and rejection from these and we are COMMANDED to turn away and avoid them (Ti:3:9). Remember that the Pharisees were not persuaded to repent by Jesus' preaching! The Gospel was taken to those who had NEVER HEARD IT. The Churches have their own "gospels".

For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. 2Pe:2:20
The churches today had been called at one time, had a taste of the Truth and rejected loving it and whored off to have their ears tickled with doctrines which condoned their perverse, proud, vain lifestyles. Since they once tasted and have refused to fully partake, and have chosen another Gate by which to enter into Heaven, (Heb 6:4-6), they have been sent a strong delusion (2Thes2:11. Our task is not to plant in these thorn patches but in the rich fallow ground which God prepares in the hearts of those who have not heard the Gospel. These are not lost! They will tell you so! They have their religion, their eternal security, their salvation. Let's not mess around banging on a door which Father has already closed! We will not suffer persecution for Christ's sake if we persist in beating a dead horse on salted ground! We will suffer because of our own willful disobedience. Think about it. Can't we do what we're told?
How can we possibly override God's own strong delusion over these who have no love of the Truth? Impossible. How can we reach them? Impossible again. What then? We move farther out into the wilderness as the strangers we truly are to the World and strive to draw ever closer to the Lord of our Salvation, the True God who created us for His pleasure and glory. Yes, we walk away and continue on down our narrow way alone with the only REAL Shepherd and Friend we need, Jesus our humble King. We will serve His Kingdom, our brethren and spread the Gospel as we are given to do so.
Some of us have a hard time with our own personal "ministries". Read 1Cor 12 and Rom12. Remember that not all of us are called to the same tasks within the Body nor to those tasks of bringing the Gospel and/or warnings to the lost and backslidden. Hear me: Your ministry as a Believer is, first and foremost, to bring glory to your God! Your immediate ministry is to be a Light in the darkness around you, to let your life (the way you live it) be a witness to the Spirit in you. Our Father will draw those He calls to Jesus (John6:44) through your witness, if it is His pleasure to use you. Let Father appoint your tasks by his will, according to the measure of your Faith. Don't be distracted! Serve God and others right where you ARE. Amen?

Is this not the case today............

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2Tm:3:2-5
Interesting to note that these described here are NOT the Pagans! Despite all these wicked and vile "traits" these folks possess, they STILL have a FORM of Godliness, denying the power of it. This can't include the Buddhists, Muslims, Shinto's and the like. Go figure. Paul is speaking about professing Christians in the last times! The rest of the ungodly world has these traits MINUS a form of Godliness (That of the TRUE God)!
So called Christians, though, profess this "Godliness"! It is these professing (Posing) Christians who have this form of Godliness and only these. So is God interested in the Pagans? Looks to me like God is speaking DIRECTLY to those who had once and NOW profess to be a child of God and have decided to follow another Gospel. This passage in Timothy is terrible in it's implications. This is a picture of the end times. These call themselves our brethren! Read and ponder it yourselves. ...Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Lu:18:8 Is it any wonder?

For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Ro:16:18
Not to be judgmental but simply factual, I personally know pastors, preachers, teachers and just plain professing believers who show no natural affection, let alone the deep humble (shed abroad) love of Christ. And their form of Godliness is perfect! Don't you know a few? I know brethren who falsely accuse, boast and blaspheme while they load up their websites with the precious Word of God twisted to fit their reeking facades of holiness, while practicing all the vileness that yet lies decaying within their whited sepulchers. I personally know many angels of light. They preach Rapture, Anti-Rapture, Eternal Security, Anti-eternal security, Preterism, Healing, Prophecy, Holiness, Love, Peace etc. and manage to conduct a shadow lifestyle filled with deceit, pride, lust, covetousness, greed and vengeance behind the scenes, ...and they are as obvious a dead whale in the middle of Main Street. And they can whip you soundly with their knowledge of the "words" of Scripture, chapter and verse! We know these to be ...Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2Tm:3:7 As I have said, these talk the talk but do not walk the walk. The angels of light' are perfect counterfeits of Christ and the ministers of the True Gospel. Beware! Be not deceived! Test the spirits. FOLLOW THE MONEY! Will you be deceived? If you are, it's your own fault. Saints, iniquity abounds, the love of many HAS waxed cold (M't:24:12).

Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? Isa:29:15
I will tell you this, They will slip up! Many have. These easily discernable frauds stand spread eagle over an abyss and if they attempt to move one foot or the other they will fall into the Hell they so casually condemn others to. These "casual" temples of demons will become the real casualties in the end. Yes, our accuser is working overtime these days folks. Don't be surprised. His time is short. So is ours. The Elect will draw this hot fire from the enemy and he will stop at nothing to destroy our souls IF he were allowed. The Fire is coming down as we speak.

End times? Last days? Without doubt. There is indeed tribulation in our world and in our lives. Great tribulation? Coming soon to a neighborhood near you if it hasn't arrived already. Many of us are alone with our Lord. Well, good! Better to be alone in and with Jesus Christ than among the perishing masses.
Does 1Pet 2:9 imply a crowd? In the end or in a collective spiritual sense, yes, but for some of us it's still a long Road alone with Jesus as each individual follower of Him should be. If God has plans to bring some of us into direct fellowship in a house church setting, He will do so. In the mean time remember that we serve a jealous God. If we are not firmly fixed upon God, and His Truth, and love and obey Him and His commandments, it doesn't matter if we sit among a thousand. We have to be real. Our cups (temples) must be clean on the inside (M't:23:25-26). It all begins with our relationship with God. It moves out from there and until we are ready to be placed into service or new fellowships, we must learn from His Spirit and patiently trust only in Him! First and always.

I don't care where you are on the narrow way with Jesus,
just that you stay on it and persevere!

Whether we live to see the return of our blessed Lord Jesus or die in Him or as martyrs for Him, let us keep one thing in the front of our minds: Best we keep a firm hold on our gift of Faith. Let the works of your Faith be evident. Best we have laid hold on eternal life and are ready at all times to be called Home. For our candle can be snuffed out in a heartbeat. Are you ready today?
War, famine, pestilence, death or natural disasters cannot compare with the fear God will instill into the fast failing hearts of mankind. The Spirit is warning us, urging us to be ready, sober and steadfast in our Faith. Let's put the pettiness aside and fix our hearts upon our God, settle in, be vigilant, humble and prayerful. To hell with the rest. Never let your peace in Christ be compromised or broken. Stand firm in your faith. Watch and pray (M'r:13:33)! And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Eph:5:11

A happy New Year? Only for the blind and foolish. Like Christmas, just another day closer to Judgment and Eternity. Let's be sober about this and a touch realistic here. Happiness is relative. Our bible speaks of joy which is of the Spirit, which bad times cannot destroy. We surely have that Spirit Saints. Happiness in this world is a pipedream. Happiness is as fleeting as the vapor of this life (Jas:4:14). Happiness is as the flower soon withered by the sun (Jas:1:11) Our Bible speaks of agonizing, soldiering, fighting a good fight, mortifying the deeds of our flesh, suffering, forsaking AND joy in it ALL! There is no time for the petty nonsense of this world! Get a grip already. Get your spiritual armor on and fastened about you. Get your spiritual houses in order. Trim your lamps. Be ready. For the evil that has come to rest in men's and women's hearts is unparalleled and growing. It is upon us as a plague; The first of the plagues that has come upon mankind and upon those who have rejected sound doctrine and do not live the LOVE that should accompany the true believer. Endure hardness as a Soldier does (2Tm:2:3). In order to endure hardness you must be HARD! Hard to the world and fleshly temptations, the lies and the attacks. Don't quit the fight for the sake of your own souls! If you do not love your God, His Truth, your true brethren, don't call yourself a child of God. Our "faith" should never be in form. It must be in deed. The tide rises. Sink ...or walk above the waves with Jesus Christ. Who you gonna trust?

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1Jo:3:18

Live your faith today, now. Live it as the Spirit is in you. Be not afraid. Get those shields up and keep to the Road. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Amen