(She-wolves in the pulpits)
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 1Tm:2:12
Greetings in Jesus' Holy name. I thought I'd give some long overdue air time to the FEMALE Posers among us.....
With the scourge of secular humanism and the LIE of cheap grace running rampant through our churches, it seems some committed, surrendered, submissive women who call themselves Christians have fallen under strong delusion regarding their place in the Body of Christ and His assemblies. And as I see it, if they've fallen under delusion, there is no coming out from under it! Have we read 2Thes 2:11 lately? The waxing of LOVE for the Truth?
Since I have yet to hear Godly reproof coming from the atrophied mouths of so-called men of Christ out there, I must assume (quite correctly) that the task of showing a spine in matters of sound doctrine must belong to me at this juncture. It seems Hell would freeze over before any true man of God would dare reprove the massive works of darkness going on in many an assembly and even so called Godly households via these Jezebel-led women who would take the Word of God, and twist it as readily as their male counterparts to fit their own illusions of holiness, humility and sacred calling. Jesus Christ IS my spine and I could care less what any of you "think". No one has been doing a lot of that for the last hundred years anyway! It's what you women don't seem to care to know that really frightens me.
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 1Tm:2:11
I suppose the above is not quite appropriate for today's liberated Christian women. Obviously not. Today I turn on a radio or TV or punch up a web site and see and hear Prissy Pastor Jane or Sue preaching away like the demon led puppets they are, with absolutely no regard for the TRUTH of the scriptures they preach AND with callous and convenient omission of the scriptures and commands given to those called to pastor flocks in the name of Jesus Christ. Hey Pastor Prissy, who was it that hung on a cross for us? Jesus' mother? Jesus Christ is our Savior and EXAMPLE. Or shall we now follow Sally The Savior?!
You blasphemous harlots are beyond doomed for the mockery you make of the HOLY ORDER which was commanded and set up by MEN of God. Chauvinistic or not (judge me at will), I, as a man of Christ, with responsibility to God and to those under my care, will never submit to Pastor Jezebel teaching me anything with the authority given to men only. To take the Word of God and usurp authority over men and assemblies is certain spiritual DEATH for yourselves as well as the stupid sheep you "lead" in your assemblies! You're just another pretty face adorned like a whore, leading poor hapless souls straight to Hell! Many of you know my stand on the total equity of men and women as TRUE believers on the Body. Sister Satan in a pulpit is way off the Road though and I won't stand for it, support it or condone it in any measure.
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. 1Tm:2:9-10
Oh by the way, do you preach modesty? Fat chance! I've seen more seductive scenery at church than I can see at Hooters! ...not that I frequent that disgusting establishment. You women in the pulpits as well as those who sit in the pews (for the most part) are shameful specimens of spiritual adulteresses and you are destined for Hell Fire! Your conduct is appalling, your "faith" a sham and you make an even more spectacular "show" of your putrid "godliness" than the Wolves who wear the pants in the "other" apostate churches.
And speaking of stupid, ......you wretched cowards who call yourselves men, married to these Jezebel's really take the cake! You sit there on Sunday watching your Preacher Wives pawing at the men and dressing better than Fredericks of Hollywood can adorn them and say nothing. I'll tell you why you mamma's boys crack me up... you are spineless, gutless dogs lapping up the vomit of the gravy train provided by those your Pastor Wife has very effectively deceived! Why threaten the Golden Goose even if she is a silly goose. You husbands of the Pastors are about as sanctified as your wives and I can assure you that there is more than ample room in blackest darkness (Jude:1:12-13) for you and your "god-mom" when you are finally taken from this mortal realm and you can spend an eternity listening to endless repeats of HER stupid, Godless, she-wolf babble that once made you so comfortable. And one fringe benefit being all the souls your Pastor wife has provided to spend eternity WITH you, effectively cut off from God because of her deceptions and lies that she perpetrated upon the hapless flock SHE oversaw.
You men, married to a willful woman, in or out of a pulpit, crack me up when you hang your heads and whimper like kids because "mommy" didn't like something you said. Perish the thought you didn't wear a clean shirt to church! You're more worried about the food in your bellies and the fun in your beds and the illusion of "authority" SHE gives you! You guys are just as deceived by your own Godless agendas as your wives are. The blind leading the blind (Lu:6:39). Welcome to reality folks, it's not as "good" as you try to make it out to be in your lives or homes and certainly not when it comes to your Salvation! You men either get your heads and backsides wired together and lead as you have been commanded, IN LOVE, firmly with gentleness, or pay the ultimate price for throwing away your calling as TRUE men of God to LEAD, TEACH, and INSTRUCT. Or maybe the "gravy" is too good to for you to turn to the Jesus you also blaspheme when you "call" Him your Lord. Maybe it requires Jesus Himself to appear at your kitchen table while you're stuffing your faces and say, And why call me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Lu:6:46
For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1Tm:2:13-14
Doesn't anyone get this!? Sin was first come - first serve, Ladies. YOUR first "mom" blew it and God our Father gave authority over to your wimpy husbands whether you like it or not! So DEAL with it, humble women of Christ! AND I might add,
For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. 1Co:11:8-9
Now go ahead and hate me but this is the TRUTH. Your place is NOT in ANY authority over a man, at home or at Church. Your problem, girls, is that you can't take NO for an answer even if it comes strait from the mouth of God! You Posing Princesses can't possibly understand SUBMISSION of any kind because you have never been submitted to Christ IN THE FIRST PLACE! There can be no argument that when one is submitted to Christ, they no longer possess a will to do their own will but that of the Father. Do I need to reference scripture? Maybe so if many of you have conveniently omitted TRUTH from your lives. Submission to Christ is a GOOD fruit. Omission of COMMANDS is conversely, ROTTEN fruit! And the stench of churches and assemblies led by Jezebel's daughters rises like a carcass from your hallowed places of "worship". Worship? Adultery, Witchcraft, Sorcery is what your "worship" is! It's no wonder so called men of God are such miserable whining little babies around you Poser Princesses. You've got your men so in need of your "care" that all that's missing is a LEASH! You men make me sick. You belong in the skirts! And I have no respect for any man who relinquishes spiritual authority to a woman. ANY!
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 1Co:14:34-35
Gee wiz, this scripture above is so hard to understand isn't it women of God. Maybe you need to turn to your silly devotionals or attend a seminar to figure this out! How about searching for a preacher who will tell you what you WANT to hear?! Sounds good. THAT has scriptural backing: For the time will (HAS) come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (2Tm:4:3) The funny thing is, you itch and scratch at the same time, Pastorettes and Poser Princesses! Having been "scratched", you lead your husbands and children into the vomit and degradation of lies and compromise. Some "leaders" you are, huh?
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Ti:2:4-5
You women out there preaching as Pastors and Teachers are a perfect example of the blending that has taken place throughout the Body of Christ. Your blasphemous charade has become passé with the church crowds and deluded denominations across the land. You have been sanctioned by your ignorance, disobedience and willful lust for power and by your father Satan. You are a part of the problem, the poison and you have soundly been deluded into thinking you have a "right" to do this by the very God you "preach". You preach DEATH. You ARE Death, ...in pantyhose!
And how shall a woman in the Bible be saved? Read it! 1Tm:2:15: Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. God almighty made room for only one SEX to head up His Church on this earth and it isn't the "fairer" one. Fairer one (?), ...can't tell these days. With women pastoring flocks and sleeping with their own sex as "significant others", it's easy to spot a lack of holiness and sobriety but hard to tell which one is truly the "head" of that family from Hell. Hate speech? I could care less when it comes to rebuke and reproof! I could also care less about your "feelings" which, by the way, mean everything to the fragile, easily scarred psyches in the World today. Don't offend and they can hide without having their comfort zones violated.
For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. Ro:10:3
(or is this just for the "men"?)
I'll tell you about a "zone" that is waiting for women in the pulpits, women who run the spiritual affairs of their families and the simpering dog's they call husbands. It's a real fire zone. It's HELL! Ladies, if you were ever truly called by the Spirit of God to follow Jesus Christ to Life, then stop and consider what you may have missed as far as understanding what submission to Christ and the authority He placed OVER you really is. He did it to SAVE YOUR SOUL! From what I see and hear, among a multitude of so called women in Christ, ...humility, surrender and brokenness and Godly reverent silence are as far from you as the East is from the West. Repent if you have an ear to hear. If you send me mail, you'll get the same scriptures I posted in this article and maybe my prayers for your souls, ...nothing more.
Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud,
and giveth grace to the humble. 1Pe:5:5
And just where does PRIDE factor in through this twisted abomination? At the root, in the branch, through leaves, and into the FRUIT! Think about it. May the God and Father of Jesus Christ bless and mercifully HELP you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen