Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Cult of Pentecost

The 'Pentecostal' Heresy
(and a bit more...)
There is nothing "Apostolic" nor edifying about this cult.
Let's start with the most pronounced "manifestation" of the assemblies from Hell. I do not doubt that there is a certain 'language' of angels (1Cor:13:1). After all, there is a private language between one and their God. In (Rom:8:26) there is a passage that speaks of a part of this private language between a person and God. However, the teaching of "tongues" is beyond out of control in the apostate church. And some of us are still on the fence about this manifestation and many have been led to the open practice of sorcery by the use of it. If a manifestation of an outward sign such as this is a prerequisite for true salvation, as the Pentecostals claim it be so, God is a liar and His Word has been used to deceive! If the Pentecostal Cult had not almost cost me and a few others I know, our very Faith, I wouldn't be moved as I am to address this heresy and this sorcery. Scripturally, the "tongues experience" is NOT the evidence that one has received the Holy Spirit. Look for this yourselves. It is not there.
Breaking news! Pentecost has come and gone!
The Gift of tongues as presented in Easton :
...granted on the day of Pentecost ( Act 2:4), in fulfillment of a promise Christ had made to his disciples ( Mar 16:17). What this gift actually was has been a subject of much discussion. Some have argued that it was merely an outward sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit among the disciples, typifying his manifold gifts, and showing that salvation was to be extended to all nations. But the words of Luke ( Act 2:9) clearly show that the various peoples in Jerusalem at the time of Pentecost did really hear themselves addressed in their own special language with which they were naturally acquainted ( Joe 2:28,29).
Among the gifts of the Spirit the apostle enumerates in 1 Cor: 12:10-14:30, "divers kinds of tongues" and the "interpretation of tongues." This "gift" was a different manifestation of the Spirit from that on Pentecost, although it resembled it in many particulars. Tongues were to be "a sign to them that believe not." Tongues were NOT a sign that one was a follower of Christ!
So, tongues are a sign to them that believe not (1Co:14:22). And once they DO believe?
Why is the misuse of this manifestation so liberally spread throughout the Pentecostal congregations and it's hideous offshoots?
Why is it that the Pentecostals require it as a SIGN of your Salvation and give no heed to the fact that this Gift is to be used to prove the presence of the Spirit and Truth of the Gospel to the unbeliever who has been called by God?
Why is it that those of a Pentecostal 'bend' cannot live without babbling some indiscernible language (not of this earth) with every breath they take, in the background, while one preaches what seems to be Truth?
Why is it that Pentecostals must have a worship service break into mayhem with babblings coming from the woodwork while the "pastor" reels back and forth and allows his congregation to decay into chaos?
Why is it that Pentecostals can virtually turn their 'babble' on at will, like turning on a faucet?
Answer: Sorcery
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, 1Co:14:2
Any thinking, Godly person would immediately discern a spirit of chaos and not the spirit of Godly order commanded for worship. Any thinking, Spirit-filled TRUE believer would immediately recognize this as a SIGN of the madness of 1Cor:14:23. The church that requires a manifestation of tongues as proof of salvation is in dark error and rebellion. And anyone knows that rebellion is another word for Witchcraft or Sorcery. The "voices" become those of Satan. The Light has become darkness and how great is that darkness (M't:6:23)? We are commanded to repent and be baptized. Nowhere in the Bible does it say we should be speaking in tongues as a result. And what I hear on the radio and TV rates as a cheap fraud designed to promote one's holiness when in fact it promotes one as being revealed as a fraud, sinner and sorcerer! It is the Signs and Wonders Circus, ...lying signs and wonders.
The Prayer Language:
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understand him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. 1Co:14:2
Paul had this manifestation but I don't recall his "sharing" it with others. Paul tells us to keep it between ourselves and God. The fact that Paul told us that not everyone has this ability should lay to rest the fears of many who have been cajoled and intimidated into believing that without this manifestation they are not Christ's. As a brother said to me recently, "I thought we were saved by the Blood of Christ." Mentioning this to the Wolf Pimp in the pulpit is the way he was ejected from a Pentecostal whorehouse he belonged to many years ago. It was God who saved him through Jesus Christ. I myself have never spoken in this language, either privately or in an assembly. I know of a few who have testified that they do, though they need not share their private (closets) with any but God. Praise God. I suppose that by the Pentecostal standard, I must be leading the procession to Hell. Delusion is a "wonderful" thing isn't it Saints? 1Cor:14:10: There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. Ah! And to whom are the voices directed? God or Satan?
For as we have many members in one body,
and all members have not the same office: Rom:12:4
If you have this Gift, you have it. If you do not, you have another Gift by which you serve God and your brethren. NO true assembly in Christ should ever be expecting this manifestation on a regular basis especially after it has been written that it will cease (1Cor 13:8). Simple.
In the law it is written, With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people;
and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord. 1Cor:14:21
The Gift at Pentecost:
The various peoples in Jerusalem at the time of Pentecost did really hear themselves addressed in their own special language with which they were naturally acquainted.
Ac:2:8: And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
Ac:2:11: Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
..."a sign to them that believe not."
This manifestation of tongues (languages) is my primary focus. The Heresy Venders of 'tongues' completely ignore the passages presented here, on their way to their own psyched out, angelic babblings they call "worship and edification". We will address this further down the line. Let's get back to the post Pentecost era...
To the newly born again believer from a foreign land this must have been a shock and a wonder and a cause to praise the Spirit of God. This manifestation was indeed practical and useful when given to the fledgling Church. This manifestation was used throughout the early days of the spreading of the gospel and in the formation of the small gatherings of believers we have erroneously come to call "churches".
In the days following Pentecost, thousands were called by God to repentance and Salvation. We agree. Multitudes were called into the ONE Spirit by the ONE Spirit. We agree. These multitudes were comprised of those of incredibly diverse ethnicity, class standings, and most importantly, languages. The language barrier was the cause for the initial gift of "tongues" stated in Acts. And why not? Despite the fact that these were called by and to the same universal Spirit of God, to the Body of Believers, it did not mean that they could understand what was being spoken by those who preached the Gospel or those to whom they were led for edification, healing, teaching etc., etc.
When a believer from Asia Minor was led to a fellowship in a home or stable or catacomb with those who spoke Latin or Greek, it was more than likely there would not be a common language between them that any of them understood and could use to communicate the facts of the Gospel to one another. OR, communicate what words God may have had for any of the "visitors" or what God may have had the visitor speak to those assembled who did not understand the visitor's language. Remember also that these "visitors" would have to had been well versed in the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ BEFORE they returned to their respective countries and lives to further spread this Good News among their own people, in their own "tongue". Hence a practical Gift from God by His Spirit to implement the understanding of the Gospel and to provide a SIGN among the linguistically challenged that His Spirit of unity, power and universality was in evidence and the single purpose of spreading the Gospel was being implemented. This was the greatest "sign" apparent; The presence of the Holy Spirit in the assembly.
Put yourself in this setting so long ago. You are fully come to Christ by the calling of God and the hearing of the Word in your own language. You are led to a small assembly of Jewish believers and you only speak and understand the language of Ethiopia. Your brethren speak Aramaic but do not understand Ethiopian. The Lord is among you in the unity of His Spirit and has a word for you, the Ethiopian. A Jewish Saint begins to speak in your language without any knowledge of your language. You understand, glorify God and have been edified or taught a new Truth. The same goes for the reverse of this encounter. Impossible? Not according to Acts. Now, in the case of this "angelic" language, I believe this was plainly manifested in the same kind of gatherings with one uttering these words and another giving an interpretation.
HOWEVER! ...if we read Paul's words very carefully in 1Cor:14, we come away with more than a concrete sense that this had become a "fad" as it is today. Paul was obviously very meticulous in attempting to keep a lid of solid ORDER upon this particular manifestation of the gift of tongues and remember what Paul said in 1Cor:14:5: I would that ye all spake with tongues, ... BUT, Paul states by this that not everyone does! And Paul does not say that everyone who does NOT speak in tongues isn't saved!
Read these passages carefully:
1Co:14:6: Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?
1Co:14:9: So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.
1Co:14:13: Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret. (the private praying)
1Co:14:14: For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.

The 'soul butchers' in the Pentecostal Cult are using this very private and I might add, rare if not nonexistent, gift today, with all bombast and bluster, pridefully, judgmentally, in complete disregard for the Word of God, in rebellion, and in my own HUMBLE opinion, practicing Witchcraft!
Tongues was given as and aid in the midst of those of many a diverse nationality and language in the days of a tremendous harvest of souls who had heard the fresh new Gospel of Jesus Christ and Salvation. Today there are many 'gospels" and few who have never heard of Jesus Christ but that is another story. Through the Ages the message of Christ has gone out and been established among the races and nations; A message knit soundly together by the Spirit of God. The Gospel had indeed come to those races and nations and had been established in the vernacular of the nations. For centuries following Paul and the Apostles, the Latin language of the Catholic Regime was spoken by many as a second language and universally accepted. And today the English language is spoken throughout the earth. What need for the same manifestations once used to begin the spread of Truth? On a side note, the spirit of Babel is growing stronger today. One world dominion, one world religion, and one world language! Interesting to think about.
On the Gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the Apostle Paul:
1Co:12:4: Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
1Co:12:30: Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?
According to the lopsided theology of the signs and wonders crowd of the Pentecostal Cult, ALL have the gift of tongues or are NOT going to find heaven if they do not! Well, the Word of God through Paul says we all have different (diverse) gifts and not one of us has them ALL!
I know that the dyed-in-the-wool Pentecostal or offshoot of said diabolical "religion", will say to me that the gift of tongues and the manifestation of tongues are TWO different things. Yes, they say that. Absurd and ridiculous! SHOW ME where in scripture this can be justified and harmonized with the scriptures we have studied or will! Show me an orderly worship in any Pentecostal setting and I'll show you my condo on Mars!
If any kind of Pentecostal mayhem broke out from even one in a congregation led by me, they'd be soundly rebuked and asked (told) to leave, by ME! I would not tolerate the pronounced indiscernible babbling breaking forth like 100 different dissonant cackling songs being played all at once in the congregation! A FLOCK of Geese have more order! This is NOT order. I would not tolerate the same little, soft-voiced "saint" standing up every Sunday giving an interpretation like it was their job to do on cue whenever someone started babbling! And isn't it so predictable that we hear every "message" prefaced with "My children"?! Yes papa Satan, what do you have for us today? I have been there to hear the babblings and I have come away cold, checked in my spirit and unimpressed at the interpretations! These were and are abominations! I think I would rather listen to a speech by Fidel Castro! En Espanol!
The following is ORDER:
1Co:14:27: If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.
1Co:14:28: But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.
Paul attempted to shut this 'fad' down by his words in 1Cor:14:4-5 He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church (the called out!). I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.
And let's get this word "prophesieth" strait here. One who reads from the Scriptures prophesies! One who speaks the Truths of God by the Spirit of God prophesies! Rev:19:10 states, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Does a preacher of the Word prophesy? Doesn't a man who reads from the Bible to his family prophesy? Study your bible and pray for ears to hear. This not to say a word does not comes to someone in a TRUE assembly regarding the spiritual or physical needs of the assembly. This is a whole different animal. However, Prophecy regarding God's plan of Salvation and the consummation of the world is MADE AND DONE! Rev:22:18: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: There will be nothing added to it. Can we add to Alpha and Omega? We have totally misunderstood the meaning of prophecy!
Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 1Co:13:8
Do some of us still believe tongues to be a prerequisite and proof of, Salvation?
Or is the Blood of Jesus Christ and His Gospel enough for us?
Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts. Na:3:4
This Pentecostal Cult is replete with lying signs and wonders and manifestations of Satan and this little 'study' can lead to many other facets of this signs and wonders crowd's Witchcraft. The Pentecostals have cornered the market on tricks and trinkets. It sure makes the "Christ Market" prosper! Everybody's merchandising 'faith' today. They are no exception to the bloody rule.
Ever wonder what the "falling backward" these religious magicians pull on folks really means? They say "slain in the spirit". They are half right! SLAIN indeed, but not in THE Spirit. One simply has to study the OT or read the gospel of John chapter 18:6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground. Literal translation: fell backwards! If we search this out in the OT (your job) we will find that this kind of manifestation of falling backwards was ALWAYS compared to Judgment! NOT some giddy blanking out on the sanctuary floor on a hot sweaty night in church only to come back to the "pastor" begging for more! Do we really believe the early church would tolerate perfumed women laying side by side on the floor of the sanctuary, "slain in the spirit" like so many bodies lined up after a holocaust of some kind??!!! Atrocious behavior, Sorcery and Devil worship! These "godly" women have been known to carefully pick out their clothing before the "church service"; That which would look right if they are laid out on the floor! NO? I DO know this! Or did. That's preparing for orderly worship, eh? I'd rather have my palm read! I suppose it's hard to get clothes that look right with the arms above the head or sprawled out on the floor or dancing in the "spirit". There happens to be a HUGE sexual spirit over these assemblies. I'm not going there because you get the picture. Or you'd better! We won't forget the false healings they conjure up, the prayer hankies and the mailings of pieces of cloth, "prayed" over, that are supposed to do some mystical healing for the recipient. Horsefeathers! I know a Shaman with more "reality" in him!
And the "laying on of hands"? The cult members dispense their own "spirits" to those they touch! Some of these cult members have openly said that they sense different 'spirits' coming into them when others lay their hands upon them! The laying on of hands was for healing and even ordination. Or am I in error? What kind of "impartation" is this in the "assemblies"? The impartation of Satan's spirit. Nothing more. And nothing Godly or edifying either. Blasphemy, portals, divination, sorcery. And Faith? The "faith" of demons. The demons, at least tremble at the Truth (Jas:2:19).
And just where does the Jezebel spirit come into play in this cult? Nowhere, ...according to them, as Polly the Preacher leans over the pulpit and barks at her flock to put more in the plate! Nowhere, "PASTORS" Peter and Polly Wolf orchestrate the laying on of hands and the exchanging of dark spirits while the band plays and the women croon "in the spirit" and drop like flies in a haze of bug spray. Yup. Jezebel's nowhere to be seen in these assemblies? I see. Or is it we just like the "view" when a bob-haired harlot in a clingy dress writhes in a sexual fashion under the "influence of the spirit" up on the podium? Oh sure, the Spirit of God would cause this? Hypocrites and blasphemers! Harlots and Jezebels!
I left out one of the other components of the Pentecostal "manifestation". I would like to address the Pentecostal Rapture Cult rip-offs. Uhh, they're still here I see. No "Rapture Bus"? Must be a flat. Getting a little nervous? I'm not. You should be. Are you all still on your "gravy train", sucking up the stock dividends and living like Hell before your "lord" comes to get you? Well, my deluded "friends", the delusion of Thessalonians is irrevocable, so wallow in it as you have obviously chosen to do. Your predilection for irrelevancy is matched only by your unbelief. Babble-on then. You will be around to be a reproach to the REAL followers of Christ before you are burned, I can assure you of that. You already are. A prophecy? Just facts folks.
If this rocks some of your worlds, remember that you haven't experienced the 'rocking' the Spirit of the Lord is bringing forth to the deluded and rebellious party going Witches and Sorcerers in HIS OWN CHURCH! When God disqualifies as to make reprobate, He doesn't rescind this action, EVER. If anyone is listening to God and not getting smoked by this rebuke, best come clean and repent!
Signs and wonders! What would life be without them? Peaceful, orderly, quiet and Godly, that's what! Our penchants to "produce" manifestations at all costs has caused many a soul to inherit Hell. We have lowered the God of peace and order to the status of a Magician. Blasphemy! We have lowered ourselves to nothing more than Sorcerer's Apprentices. And as you know, I can give a ripping hoot on the playground who disagrees with me. I'm not here to debate anyone. My Bible forbids debate. Take it or leave it. Your choice. No threads off my garment. And please, if you're going to condemn me to Hell, ...please take a number. Instead of getting in the messenger's face, take it upstairs and ask God to make it plain to you.
If any of you know the devilry that goes on inside these places, and are convicted to FLEE, then by all means come out of her! I did. We don't speak in tongues like it's a party favor! Most of us don't even have a grasp of our own language! A grasp that would aid us IF we read the Scriptures properly. I rebuke those who lead and those who follow, today's Pentecostal "Apostolic" movement. You shame the memory of the great Apostles! Your childish, elitist, abusive, blasphemous and vain manner is enough to draw rebuke from those who do not believe in Jesus Christ, let alone thinking Spirit filled Saints in God's Kingdom. This "church" has become a stumbling block to many a soul who has begun to earnestly seek God, as every CULT has become. That is the simple of it. Most churches and denominations are become cults with their roots grounded in the loins of Satan. The Way is narrow and not strewn with prayer cloths, indiscernible Wolf babble, sprawling unconscious women, noisy shows, dancing, irreverent behavior and signs only a devil would love. It's narrow as Jesus said it was. Will we walk it? Or will we blow right by it on the big, easy, Broad way? Listen and be careful how you hear (Lu:8:18). Don't give up because of this disgusting heresy! It is meant to distract, deceive and destroy. The essence of it's "father", Satan. Get on that narrow way, or walk away. Fear not and keep to the Road Saints.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1Jo:4:1
May God bless and keep His Saints, His Elect, from deception and error. Amen