Dumb Dogs
Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it. Isa:34:1
It's about time I took a solid stand AGAINST those among us who preach with strings attached. It's time I took a solid stand against you profiteers I once considered brethren. I'm through cutting slack and taking my own stand for myself and those TRULY called to watch and warn the flocks of the Lord. I am coming against you who call yourselves brothers or watchmen and leave your filthy, bloody finger prints all over your websites, revealing your compromise for all to see! By the will of God, you shall continue but I will no longer acknowledge you as brethren or credible sources of Truth. You will not accept the lord's rebuke for your pettiness but I will deliver it no matter. At one time, I confess that I thought it may be well to let Saints know that if they were led of God to support the Narrow Way Ministry, they should do so, not at my asking or suggestion but by God's leading. Well I recanted of this a long, long time ago. I avoid it now, like the Plague. In this year, I have received one money order from a couple who had "stumbled" on the website and glorified God. Father ordained that this money order was used to pay the yearly website fee. That's it Saints. The Truth doesn't cost that much to present folks. What I and a few others give you is FREE. And with that said, it's time to pull the hammers back and let go both barrels and not sidestep this issue any longer for the sake of God's precious Saints who are being misled in the real meaning of MINISTRY.
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.
1Co 5:11-13
The "brethren" who "minister" to us and make even one penny by their "requests" for support or who sustain themselves or "THEIR" ministries by sales of "items" or pleas for your money are COVETOUS. "THEIR" ministries have become their idol's! Drunkards drunk on their own power trips! Revilers? They will not hesitate to revile a real Truth-bringer. They protect their nests at all costs.
And by the authority and command of the Holy Spirit, testified to in scripture, I will no longer "keep company" nor promote these as 'brothers-in-arms' for the Faith. You boys have another Faith and another Gospel. If any of you covetous sinners care to get it right, repent, get real and humble before the God you claim called you to His service and STOP milking the cash-cow market for what you "believe" you need for your ministries. You have earned the rebuke of the Lord, ...buds.
How can we call a man, a "man-of-God" when he cannot head up his family with Christ's loving but absolute authority? How can we respect him when he cannot control those under him in "his" ministry? How can we respect fear in self-professed, in-command, liars. How can we TRUST photogenic smiles meant to prove their sincerity? How can we respect beggars with Pay Pal accounts? And don't send me any suggestions.
Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings. Isa:51:7
Discern the intents of the hearts of those that "warn" or "feed" you!
I told you all, that when we do not discern the hypocritical duality of MOST of the ministers of the Gospel today, we are eating from two plates. Not one. They offer us God's portion (very small) and they offer us theirs. And in my book, we're looking at Pharisees.
We, without want of gain of any kind, that faithfully speak the warnings of God, are few. We are a detached lot. We do not seek money or loyalty, status, preeminence or recognition. We do not follow the spirit of man which still resides in the hearts of those who believe they have been called to God's ministry. They have been called to a ministry alright but not to a LOVE of His Truth and absolutes nor with a single eye fixed upon self-less, poverty-ridden service to God's Saints.
We have no books, tapes, CD's, "revelations", prayer cloths, oils or other instruments of Christian witchcraft to sell you that are of any value to your souls. We ourselves have bought the Truth and sell it not. Like a Birthright, we will never sell this. We purchased the pearl of great price and we do not hoard it but share it willingly. The Truth is given freely as it has been ordained for us to give it, by our God. We do not want your money or praise. We want your ears. But alas, in this day of great spiritual famine, fewer than ever care to listen to the God who pleads His controversy with His people as He did in ancient times. And this bodes for a bad end today, as prophesied by the Word. And a worse end for the compromisers wearing the mantle of "watchman".
Here is a sad commentary for today...
Jer:7:23: But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.
Jer:7:24: But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.
Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. Ph'p:3:2
Discern the Woof -Woof!
Humble Watchmen do not plaster their smiling mugs on their websites. They don't give you the option to "donate" in various monetary amounts. For what!? If God wants His Word to go out by satellite, God will give us the mammon to rent a satellite! We don't have to beg for it from those we deliver the free Word to! Even encouragement has a price tag these days. That includes these so-called "devotionals" we're encouraged to BUY! What did David have? David gave God his devotion from his HEART and SPIRIT. We have to buy a book and read it to "praise" God. This is sick. If we want to encourage each other with "devotional" studies, why do we charge for it? When are we going to wake up to this and discern it and judge it as it really is ?!?!? Saints, give your money to the poor and needy Saints among you! Give your allegiance to God! If a man is called to a ministry, he WILL NOT need $$$ help except for prayer.
God wants His Saints and others to know the difference between His true servants and the dumb dogs! We're preaching the Truth by what God gives us, not Pay Pal! We pay for our own air time from the pockets God has provided for us. Namely our own pockets! And pitifully empty most of the time. Glory to God! Discern us! Did God's prophets of old grub for money!? Did God's prophets of old have "ownership" of their ministries? Were God's prophets revered by Israel? They're not today either. Were God's prophets given perks to preach? Did they ask for donations or sell their books on the side to make a little extra scratch to put food on the table or pamper their flesh? God FORBID! Most were as poor as dirt! They died because of their service.
Today we have smiling photos on websites of "God's" preachers, teachers, evangelists and watchmen". SMILING! Arms around their wives denoting harmony and being husbands to one wife (facades); White teeth, perfect hair and the best Sunday suits. Wow, I'm impressed "brethren". You have to be genuine because you fit the mold of what a man-of-God should look like and sound like. Today we have a "Who Is..." page that is necessary for these dogs to certify their qualifications and PROVE that they must have the Truth and must be hearkened to. DUNG! Did Amos need this? He's sitting around his smelly sheep alone one day and bringing crushing Truth and prophecy the next? Where were his accreditations!?
We stupid, weak, spineless, wimps who say we're filled with the Holy Spirit, go on believing every canine poser that comes down the pike. They can pass gas and we'd send them a donation! Well, I tell you "Spirit filled", yet discernment-challenged sheep, that you are filled with something else. And you are as much a part of the problem as these mercantile brethren peddling their wares, NOT IN TRUTH!
Yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck:
they did worse than their fathers. Jer:7:26
"Nobodys" were called to preach Truth? Not those "qualified"!
The Pharisees were "qualified" and what became of them when it came to Truth? Our mega-church pastors are "qualified" and we see and hear nothing but dirt about their covetous secret lives. The pasty-faced adulteresses on TBN and elsewhere, casually exhibit the failure of the Spirit of 1Tm:2:12 to communicate with them. Yoo hoo, ...women DO RULE over us today. Well, praise God! Not for the fact the gals wear the pants and the men wear the skirts. No. For the fact that God's WORD is true! And we're close to the end.
We unqualified nobody's pay to keep our websites up and running from our own pockets by God's provision to us. Discern us! We're not 501-c-3. We preach to the seats. Even the Choirs have left the buildings. We don't have books or tapes to sell you. We couldn't come up with a marketing strategy to sell you floor-fuzz, let alone the grand schemes to make a buck that many of my "brethren" do. That's not IN a true Servant of a Living God. Forgive me folks, but we give a damn about your souls, not ourselves or your opinions of us. Discern us! A TRUE Watchman does not draw any to himself. True Watchmen draws rebuke and rejection and WILL draw a death sentence at the hands of today's "Christian" Sanhedrin among others. I've got news for you, some of us already have. It simply remains that it be carried out.
God, by His Spirit, DRAWS ears to the Watchmen that His words be heard through them. TRUE watchmen are servants, not masters of their own domains! The PROOF is in what we do not ask for or expect. Saints, we expect prayer and nothing further. What you do with your lives is up to you after we preach to you. What I receive for my pitiful faithfulness to my calling is ridicule and hate.
To hell with their Pay Pal. To hell with their "Who Is" page on their websites. To hell with their credits and qualifications and books. Let these men be Anathema (a man accursed, devoted to the direst of woes) Maranatha. And why cursed? The translation indicates "an offering resulting from a vow, which after being consecrated to a god was hung upon the walls or columns of the temple, or put in some other conspicuous place". And where is that conspicuous place brethren? On their websites and church walls? On their LIPS! And go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge. Proverb:14:7
I would no more want to be in mortal spiritual combat with any of these in my squad than I'd want to curl up with a rattlesnake on a cold wintry night! You "soldiers" of Christ" wouldn't be capable of watching anyone's back in prayer and supplication. You "brethren" are too busy watching your "fronts" and covering your own backsides. You wouldn't know a fiery dart if you sat on one! Your mission statements are about your missions, NOT God's. And they "love" you too, Saints! How reassuring. Who are these guys jiving with their cosmic debris? Some of us just don't know how to discern these things when we see them or hear them, either!
By every standard set today for what is perceived ...a 'credible' ministry, the TRUE watchmen never attain to these standards! In the eyes of those who have sight, a TRUE watchman asks for NOTHING, speaks nothing of their "qualifications" and could care less about the popularity or "reach" of their website ministries. When God tells them to put their messages somewhere on the air or the net, God provides them with the means. They do not have to ask. They OBEY GOD. Not their bellies.
In ancient times, God's warnings and Truth were heard mostly from shepherds, fishermen and no-account bums by the world's standards. It hadn't changed then and it is so now. Could half of these guys even read or write?
But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. Jer:7:24
Follow the Pied Piper Pooches into destruction, backwards!
Nothing we can give you apart from God's Truth, by our preaching, will ever be recognized by the majority as real treasure in the heavenly vaults. On the wilderness side of the great gulf between the divided Camp, are those with nothing of this world worth holding on to, including their lives. In the same vain as Jesus' words in Matthew 7, there are few who shout the real warnings and plead for repentance with a pure heart. And only a few. The merchandisers are on the other side. And as plentiful as the false, self-ordained, ear-scratching prophets were of old compared to those called to preach Truth, the same proportion exists today. It's a million to one and few there be that preach TRUTH, are chosen or find Life.
The priestly pooches among us are doing a good job enjoying the benefits of being modern day "prophets". They all preach some Truth but we CANNOT justify their marketing ploys no matter how Godly they present them! There is NO scripture to back up their ways or tactics. There is NO scripture to back up today's lies about tithing either. Covetousness and idolatry. Drunkenness and blindness. They are LIARS. And if they don't repent, the cloak of light they have adorned themselves with will smother them into oblivion. They will arrive at their ignominious ends, with God's unheeded warnings ringing in their ears and blood on their covetous hands. And you who follow them will receive the same Fate. If you really want Truth, go get it. One hint though. You will not find Truth at the end of a string, in a book or CD offer, or on the payee line of a check! Period.
His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Isa:56:10
...and we're keeping them that way.
Many in the world and the Camp warn of coming Judgment. But whom does it profit? These trendy watchmen are as the pastors who have trampled God's vineyards down. The barking of a dog denotes warning and these self-ordained, watchmen/profiteers cannot find their real "voice". They themselves have turned a deaf ear to God's Truth and have hung a price tag upon their brand of "truth" and add as much poison to the flocks as the soul butchers in the pulpits do. Their "warnings" and "revelations" bring them something in return. Their "warnings" bring them profit for their ministries , ...and condemnation for their souls. For their hearts are not circumcised to God alone. Nor have they been called to preach Truth. Nay, they have been called to lie in order that God's Word be True and His will be done and that He bring glory to Himself through these liars. God's Truth will shine all the brighter in His chosen and sanctified vessels because of these deceived bow-wow's.
How can we listen to a Watchman who allows content like, investment, stocks, housing markets, scientific bad news, politics and the like, to be a part of a single mission in promoting the gospel and calling for repentance? How? The integration here is pure compromise and NOT beneficial to the walk of any Saint nor is it in any way, reminiscent of the watchmen of old. The false watchmen integrate the CARES OF THIS WORLD into their "shows"! Nice angle, eh?
These dumb dogs calling themselves watchmen are rubbing against your leg, wagging their tails with their tongues hanging out. They are looking for scraps and handouts for their "work". Salivating at the potential harvest of increase or preeminence. Gee, hard to see this? Pay them enough and they'll do tricks for you! Pat them on the head and give them praise and they will roll over and play dead for you! Just feed them folks! I hate to go to the "absolute" mindset here but, if you are listening to or supporting anyone who seeks support for themselves, you are listening to and supporting dumb dogs. Bellies with large mouths.
Therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them; but they will not hearken to thee: thou shalt also call unto them; but they will not answer thee. Jer:7:27
Jeremiah 7:27 is not a real comfort to those of us who preach the Truth folks. It makes one wonder about the point of it all then, doesn't it. So is it a waste of time to preach the warnings and calls for repentance? Nope. This is God's wise plan that none will ever stand before Christ or the Father and say they were never warned. God has blinded the eyes of those who want to see more than Christ and has stopped up the ears of those who want to hear more than His simple Truth. God is sending delusion upon these and is choosing their delusions as well (Isa:66:4). We all agree that Isaiah is given to prophecy of these end times in chapter 66. Paul gives us a noteworthy "sign" which precedes the revealing of the man of perdition in 2 Thessalonians. That "sign" to those with eyes and a fear of God, ...is delusion. "Strong" is the descriptive adjective used. Not happening today? Oh contraire.
Today the real Watchmen, ordained of God Himself, grieve as they speak. For it has come to us as real as cold rain that "no one's listening" for the most part. We are aware of the unpopular message we bring. God's Word is true. We call, "...but they will not answer" us. But we must continue.
Every medium of communication known to modern man is being used to it's fullest by God today. The vessels fitted for wrath and Judgment are doing precisely what they have been ordained to do. Those vessels fitted to show forth the glory of God are as well, though fewer in number, as testified to by the Word. I won't change this. It is not to be changed. I will only call for a return to spiritual sanity.
Deer in the headlights get HIT!
Put away your checkbooks and get on your faces before your God. Not fashionable for us today? About as "fashionable" as Wrath. Set your eyes upon your God. The Sovereign God has laid out the paths but we, called to preach to men and women, do not know the end but must do what we were called to nonetheless. The number of ministries we have in our Favorites folders are like headlights that have us mesmerized and standing still in the middle of the road.
But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth. Jer:7:28
Reject anything with a price tag.
Be careful that Truth not be cut off from your mouths Saints. TRUE watchmen do not want your money. What jazzes them is being unprofitable servants for the God who called them. I promise you that this is not something you'll read on a return thank you for your donation. There is no such thing as a "love gift". After major disasters we are swamped by frauds peddling help to the survivors. We are hit with every scam in between. Every scam is about money. The dogs in white garments want the same thing Saints, no matter what they must do to convince you of their sincerity. Don't be mesmerized like a child in front of Macys at Christmas. Anyone who charges you a cent for any Truth or edification is a liar. I know plenty of them. And if you take a good look at the rest of these website ministries, instead of what you want to see, finding the lie as easy as getting bit from sitting on a snake. Our problem is that we want it all to be true. The Holy Spirit tells us that most of what we see today isn't true. And Scripture tells us what we are to do about it.
My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. Psalms:57:4
I suppose I've successfully made more enemies. But my rebuke stands. I have rebuked a few of these personally and received reviling. I don't care. My God did not sell me a bill of goods or hang a price tag on what He has already purchased for me. He tells me to give it as freely as He does. That's more than I can say about Pastor Rover and Brother Spot.
They are among us Saints. They are among us and must be avoided. They as much as the Sheep who follow them are sinners. I tell you the Truth Saints, with fear; We have no idea what "alone" really means. A few of us do and we are doing God's bidding in warning the Body of this compromise and it's consequences. No compromise will be tolerated in Christ. We have made His NAME to be associated with liars, thieves, anarchists, whoremongers, drug addicts, pedophiles and adulterers and these are just they in leadership of the so-called "Church" today. What sits in the pews? What lurks in your own hearts?
So where do we start? We start by issuing a warning to those who deceive us that we will not be deceived. We follow up by telling them to get a real job and do the "work" of God without begging for dollars or finding ways to market something "Christian" to support themselves. We clean out our own house before the whirlwind of fire comes to do it and finds us in bed with liars. Finds us deceived and compromised. But you know what? I don't really think many will do anything. Just a sense I have.
I warn you "sideshow Barkers" in the Ministry, that your efforts to secure anything more for yourselves than reviling for bringing the Truth, will secure you more than rebuke in the here and now. Your paths are crooked, "brethren". And crooked paths make for large wrecks.
Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight,
which he hath made crooked? Ec:7:13
I'm done with this message and I won't be back this way again. Beware of the concision. God bless you Saints.
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