Queen To Bishop
Without doubt, these perilous times continue Saints. That should come as no surprise to the Elect for Man's self-generated 'Utopia' has risen to the fore and even now a withering hot sun of Truth beats down upon it's unclean fruits. The Camp is firmly divided now. I believe it's about time to address this issue of all the "Gay-ness" out there and earn myself a place, accused before the vile Sanhedrin of contemporary thought.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Ro:1:24
There is prophecy everywhere in the bible. God's will rules and He leaves nothing to chance where men are concerned. The New Testament letters are full of the testimonies by God through His servants of His plan to DAMN for disobedience and unbelief. Let's get it strait once and for all that there are only two roads to walk; One broad and one narrow.
The recent abomination in the State of Massachusetts granting marriage licenses to Sodomites in open defiance to all moral convention and spiritual, Godly conduct, has driven the last nail into our coffin as a nation and a people. "Causality" is in play, the dominoes are falling. There is no turning back to the way it was. If anyone is still on the fence about the fact that 2Thess2:11 is a thing of the past or future, they not only have their head in quicksand but they themselves risk delusion and damnation by regarding this ungodly union of same sex partners as acceptable, appropriate or stylish in this present age.
The Temples (us, 1Co:6:19), of God, have no business condoning the actions of these effeminate whores of Satan. The sodomite "Queen" has risen to rule as a Bishop in the fully apostate "church". And not just the Episcopal branch of Hell's religion. The Queen is arm-in-arm with Jezebel. There is dark unity in their purpose. The spirit of antichrist has risen to take a seat of authority in the assemblies (The Temple). The "Church Age" is over and the churches are tenfold more reprobate than the wicked World they sleep with!
We are witnessing firsthand, the actual, literal Judgment of God without need of book or verse, speculation or conjecture. Taste the bitterness of God's wrath! This is strong delusion to it's fullest! Look upon the filth and depravity and tell me everything is just fine in your world, that there is a bright hope for the future of Man. Pray delusion does not fall upon you yourselves because of compromise!
Remember that no one will ever stand before the Judgment seat of God and say they had never heard the Gospel! The Word goes forth to the four corners of the earth. Ignorance is not allowed by God. He is Just and Fair to warn everyone before they make their own decisions to hearken to Him by His Christ and His Gospel we preach or to their death-dealing passions.
Ro:1:26: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:Ro:1:27: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.Ro:1:28: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
What is the key phrase/truth here in Romans 1:28? What is the lynch pin to delusion and being "given over" to it, being disqualified (reprobate) by God? For what "cause"? "they did not like to retain God in their knowledge". They chose Death as God's servants have prophesied they would. Prophecy is being fulfilled as we speak and does that cause any of us to pause and fall before our God in awe and reverence, to work out our salvation (Ph'p:2:12) with more urgency, to diligently strive to make our calling and election sure (2Pe:1:10)? If you have strife inside of you, you have not the perfect Love of God. Grab the humble flashlight of the Word and best have a good look inside!
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isa:5:20
Now the churches, apostate and deluded for not desiring to retain and follow the Truth, welcome the Spirit of Sodom into their assemblies and fellowships as does the World they emulate. They are now compelled to admit these "dogs and cats" by the law of Man, a result of their tax exempt status granted them by the all powerful malignancy called the State. I can tell you this much with certainty, the cup of the wrath of God is trembling about now for this is considered "good" in the sight of men.
If you dare share any fellowship with one's such as these "Christianized" sodomites, churches that sanction such filth or "Christian" institutions promoting this, you violate the Holy tenet of separation from darkness stated in 2Cor6:14-16. You are COMMANDED to come out from this as fast as you can. Their garment is filthy! Have no fellowship with the works of this darkness (Eph:5:11) or join these in Hell.
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude:1:7
The example of Sodom and Gomorrah wasn't enough it seems, to keep this abhorrent behavior on the other side of the tracks for long. It is no longer thought of with fear and revulsion. The term "eternal fire" does not mean a good burning out and the old seed will spring up again. Eternal means forever. There is a curse upon this ungodly behavior. And a penalty for accepting this over obedience, purity and holiness before God.
Proud blind men have told the weak blind sheep that, in the "spirit" of the times, we must embrace these alternative lifestyles in the "spirit" of unity and "love". This is the spirit of Ecumenism, antichrist. Who is at the forefront of advocating this and acknowledging false gods of the World's religions as relevant in the "worship" of one God? Hint: He wears the sign of Dagon, he sits upon a throne today in Rome. He is called holy and father.
'Gayety' lives openly in the halls of government, the Church, business and in every walk of life. Disobedience to God's laws are sanctioned by Man's laws now. Wake up and smell the sulphur folks. Not much longer before the pot boils over.
Alternative lifestyles of all kinds are out of the closets and center stage, not to return to the shadows of a bad memory until after God's Judgment smites their ruin upon the ash hills of Hell. We are approaching a calamitous Judgment as a nation and our bad decisions have come home to roost. How many of us consider this as we strive to remain pure and holy before God?
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 1Co:6:9
What is worse than that which we face for our deadly tolerance of sin today? Glad you asked, ...the Judgment that comes to those who outwardly refuse the call of God, the Gospel. After all, the Gospel is where it all starts and ends. How many of these Sodomites have heard the Word and rejected it? How many church leaders and congregations have done the same? Multitudes, multitudes by my reckoning by their fruits alone.
And what does Jesus say of the fate of these...?
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. M't:10:14-15 That city, town, state, country, world. Is the picture coming in any clearer now? You can't say you weren't warned. Ignorance of the Word won't cut it.
And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly; 2Pe:2:6
No, the warnings haven't been heeded. The ungodly have not remembered the example set before them. The dead yet live to die and their father Satan is dragging as many as he can into a burning eternity with him. I don't care about this world or it's sordid ungodly affairs. I don't derive my strength from it. I am a sojourner, a traveler, a stranger, a visitor here. The Holy Spirit and my Bible tell me so. And you? I have plucked up my old deep roots to this forsaken ground and am comfortable in the wind of the Spirit, content with the provision of Father God. Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him (Job:13:15), NOT the World.
I do care about souls though, the Sodomites as well. You won't find a child of God demonstrating with signs or committing acts of civil disobedience or snarling in the face of any adversary. No, you'll find them quietly in prayer, with tears in their eyes for the souls falling into Hell like burning leaves scattered by the wind in the Autumn. You'll find them giving the Gospel by word and example and quietly walking away into the sunset if it is rejected. Were are not commanded to argue with anyone in Matt10:14. No debates of words. No contention. No violence. Drop the seed and move along.
I do care to tell any who would listen that your sins make me sick but I am commanded to love you nonetheless. I am not compelled by the laws of God regarding love to stand by your side as you continue in rebellion and sin though. I will watch from afar off as you burn in the end; The end that God has chosen for you because of your lack of desire for His Truth. The end that has rounded the corner and slips in unnoticed, unfelt, waiting until the poison has consumed the host.
I do care to tell you that it is as simple or as hard as you make it. Do not hate the sinner. Jesus said they know not what they do (Lu:23:34). He forgave them. They were deluded and given up to their own dark lusts for rejecting God. They all had a chance while the Gospel went out into the World. By their own volition, they were made into vessels of wrath, used by God to further His plan. The choices we make can readily determine our very Fate.
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. Lu:21:34
If you still consider the petty inner workings of your personal lives to be more important than what rages around you, and what has been strategically left out of your hearts, ruin shall fall upon you. Many changes have occurred and have been totally ignored by the Saints. Many an eye is finally opening now. Is that a coincidence?
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. Ac:20:28
I have a commission. The Watchmen have a commission. The Saints have a commission beyond spreading the Gospel (M'r:16:15). We have a duty to "feed" one another, look after each other's souls. Not one of us can change the Order of God or men's and women's hearts. We can only preach the Truth in Love and care for our own under an ever darkening sky, before the onslaught of Satan who is out to destroy the ELECT of God. Pray you take this seriously before it may be too late for you. Your possessions, points of view, vain works, will have done you no good when you are called into account for your souls. They will all have been passed, a memory, like a dream, a vapor dissolved by the reality of God's Holy Light. Then it will be too late to consider giving up totally to God by His Son. There will be no turning back. The sign over the Gate to your reward at the end of the Broad way will read: "Abandon hope, all who enter here".
Clean up your act Saints, NOW. Give no quarter to the ways and thoughts of the World. Reject sin out of hand. Have no concord with Belial, the infidel. Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord. And God will be a Father unto you, and you shall be His sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
The Queens have come to rule. Let them revel in their hellish "freedom". Let them rule away for the short time they have been given, to enjoy the sweet fruits of their perfidious rebellion. As a vapor they shall pass away quickly ...for none shall stand against the Final Judge, none shall escape His Truth, Wrath nor His blessings for following Him. Narrow the way for yourselves Saints, ...daily.
Prepare your souls. The crossroad has been reached, the turn made, the point of no return is well behind us.
And the destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be together, and they that forsake the LORD shall be consumed Isa:1:28
May the God and Father of Jesus Christ, the Author and Champion of our Salvation, grant you opened eyes and hearts. May He see fit to accept your spiritual offerings by the sufficient Grace He has given you. May you be the spotless Bride, conformed to the image of His beloved Son, our Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Friday, July 27, 2007
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