Wednesday, July 4, 2007


( Who has bewitched you? )
Yes, today's tithing "doctrine" is a scam!
As much has been written on this subject as on divorce, re-marriage, the Rapture and the 144 thousand. More so even than that. Is there any way to keep it simple? Do today's "rules" exist in the Bible? I suppose we should have a look...
There is nothing wrong in giving a portion of one's increase, be it one tenth, which is the current corporate going rate, or as much as is possible to the 'work' of one's church today and to it's members. But let us look closely at just WHAT we are giving to and WHY.
Tithe - Strongs 4643 - a tenth part of one's goods - or monetary increase - per the Mosaic law, presented to the Levites for their material care and sustenance as they mediated between God and man and performed the duties in the Temple. It was established by God that the Levites be the priests and attendants to God and that the people care for their needs that they might not be "distracted" by the day to day struggles for food, clothing or shelter. The Levites were a priesthood set aside to serve God only and God's people. They were a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. 1Pe:2:9 calls the Believer the same. Though the Levitical "tribe" may remain in fragments today, after Jesus became the mediator between God and man, tithing for their support and the maintenance of the Temple became useless. This system was effectively rendered obsolete when the Temple curtain was rent in two.
Does tithing apply today.......
In the NT, references to tithing in Matthew 23 and Luke18 were used as part of a greater illustration of man's "righteousness" being insufficient, not to confirm tithing as a law or norm to be adhered to by true, post-Temple believers. Jesus, in Matthew 23:23, did state that the LAW of tithing also be adhered to but Jesus is now the High Priest and resides in the Temples of believers by virtue of the Cross and Resurrection. The only other references to tithing in the NT are in the book of Hebrews and again, it was used in a greater illustration regarding Jesus Christ, the High Priest. No where else in the NT other than Hebrews, Jesus' diatribe in Matt 23 and the illustration in Luke, is the word tithe mentioned. Tithing was a tenet of the Mosaic Law. Do we adhere to the Mosaic ceremonial law today?
Since the dawn of the 'mother' of all denominations, the Catholic Church, the tithe has been used and has been enforced as the standard by which church members have been conditioned by guilt or obligation, into rendering money to the "priests" needs and the capital construction and maintenance of the church buildings and grounds and in some cases, to "missions". Having been a Catholic, I know that the tenth part was never used for missions per say and a "special" collection was taken up for these extraneous needs upon the request of the missionaries themselves.
And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer;
but ye have made it a den of thieves. M't:21:13 - Isa:56:7
How much are we giving to WHAT!?
Tithing today has become a big business which has ruined many an assembly and many a church-goer. I know many a church-goer who has been called to account by a pastor upon review of one's "giving" practices and forthwith has left an assembly. In many cases, this practice has wrought devastating consequences to families. Tithing is the life blood of virtually every established church organization. It is not scriptural in it's application today. It should not exist as a norm in the true church of God today. Tithing has fast become a means to an end from which have sprung branches and leaves of the ever popular prosperity gospel, and wealth of corporate institutions calling themselves "Christian". I know of church-goers down to their last few dollars being goaded into giving their ten percent with the assurance from their pastor that they will be increased and blessed by God, only to find themselves out on the street when the bank foreclosed on them. And who in their assemblies came to their aid? Blessing? The church got their money, the sheep got fleeced because of a lie. We are not giving of our increase to God; We are giving our money to feed the Wolves while the truly needy among us starve and the 'givers' in the pews remain blind to the world outside the walls of their churches (for the most part).
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1Tim:6:10
I have known pastors who have preached tithing studies for up to two months to their congregations, while the preaching of holiness and repentance disappears from the ears of those who are in need of Godly instruction weekly. Is this right? Does the "need" for tithes from the congregation and studies in this practice supercede the needs of the soul? Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. M't:23:24 Does the practice of weeks of pumping a congregation for money, making them feel guilty if they do not and a total ignoring of matters of the soul, not seem in the least bit unbalanced? With a sinister purpose behind it? Greed, vanity, gain, affluence, ...all achieved by placing GUILT upon the "hearer".
The fables and downright false doctrine of tithing are constructed by our "leaders" to be inextricably linked back to these days of the Levitical law. Simply put however, there is nothing in the OT or NT that confirms this fact in the slightest and this teaching simply keeps them in business. Respectfully here, if the paying church customers were to search this out for themselves, the answer debunking this false doctrine would be all too clear. We have come a long way from the days of Melchizedek king of Salem and the idea of the tithe has been sorely twisted to meet the "needs" of the corporate giants and little institutions, who are no more than wealthy real estate barons and/or businessmen with political clout riding a gravy train.
Today we need not care for the physical Temple nor it's attendants, as we now have a High Priest and mediator in Heaven. Why then are we guilted into this practice? Greed. We know full well that the power is in the purse and churches and ministries alike cannot survive without money. They trust mammon. They are not of the Holy "circumcision".
Yes, greed and lies. Saints, we have been sorely bewitched. And this blood-money implements the furtherance of false gospels, worldliness, lasciviousness and spiritual death. This is the bulk of that which we "pay for"! FALSE DOCTRINE! And the hapless, deceived sheep out there are literally accomplices, accessories to a true spiritual crime, in providing their hard earned money to promote cheap grace and self aggrandizement! Somebody's got to pay for the heresy. May as well be the deceived.
What does the New Testament say about our giving?
But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints. For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. Rom:15:25-26
There is a big difference between the offerings to and taken up for, the brethren in the NT and the views of today's modern church establishments regarding "giving". Besides preaching the True Gospel, the Apostles ministered to these little churches and saw to the needs of the Saints. Let's not be deceived here, churches were NOT what we call them today. THE Church met in homes, barns, slums and tombs. Money was not taken from these true Saints to build churches, pave parking lots, buy baseball uniforms, sound systems, pay for trips to Christian Theme Parks for the Teens or provide an opulent lifestyle for it's pastors! Money, alms and such were provided to the poor among the Saints, the needy among the Saints (as well as the unsaved poor). The key word in NT scriptures when referring to caring for and providing money/alms to, was and is, ...SAINTS! Paul worked tirelessly, ministering to the Saints even at great risk to his person, as much as he spread the Gospel of Christ.
You would be RIGHT to think that today's True Believers are not far removed from those of the first century! The Apostles never mentioned the building of anything but one's FAITH! ...NEVER!
Now after many years I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings. Ac:24:17
ALMS - Strongs 1654 - 1) mercy, pity a) esp. as exhibited in giving alms, charity 2) the benefaction itself, a donation to the poor, alms
Tithing is NOT a SIN OFFERING as some groups teach!
OFFERINGS - Strongs 4376 - 1) the act of offering, a bringing to 2) that which is offered, a gift, a present. In the NT a sacrifice, whether bloody or not: offering for sin, expiatory offering.
This expiatory offering can be likened to the offering up of one's self wholly to God in His service, the "reasonable" sacrifice, our living bodies, in Romans 12:1. Remember that Jesus was gone back to the Father. The Temple was no longer needed to "house" God and the "offerings" of blood, drink, burnt, grain, etc., had become unnecessary after the CROSS!
Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem. And if it be meet that I go also, they shall go with me. 1Co:16:1-4
The Saints were being cared for in the above passages. Men of integrity were sent to bring these offerings and alms to Saints/Family in Jerusalem. Paul himself would go if it were safe to do so. The Saints were being ministered to, NOT the institutions, buildings, bank accounts and other nonsense we call important today. See this informative ARTICLE.
The "Mission" of the TRUE Church...?
As I see it, the TRUE Church has two objectives beyond personal holiness and obedience to God; Seeing to the needs of it's own members (Saints) and furthering the Gospel. Furthering the Gospel is done in two ways, the first being our call to live holy and blameless before God and men. This is our personal witness that we take to the world around us as we live from day to day. The second is to support the men called as missionaries, by GOD, to take the good news, the True Gospel, to the lost in our towns, cities and into the vast fields of the world at large. I will get into the practical applications of REAL tithing shortly.
Addicted to ministering!
...(ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,) 1Co:16:15
Did the scripture above speak of buildings, equipment, media, business offices or the like? Certainly not! The first century Saints ministered to one another. A family does the same thing today, or should. The Body of Christ, the "Family" of His blood, is no exception. A soul is important. So is the body it comes in. The life of true believers was never a rosy romp filled with mirth, tax shelters and thick carpets! It was a living hell most of the time, hiding from persecution and imprisonment or death. And DON'T tell me we have Religious freedom today! True Believers ARE STILL living in the shadows, under ground. The organized tithe-happy giants want us gone! Any follower of Jesus Christ is as prized a 'kill' as Jesus Himself because Satan hates God's own! Don't be deceived, if you're truly a Saint of the most high God, you are persona non grata in the wide world today and an especially endangered specie in the Corporate Church world today.
As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor:
his righteousness remaineth for ever 2Co:9:9 - Psalms:112:9
In the days of the great holiness preachers, folks were asked to skip a meal one or two days a week and give the pennies saved to those who had less than them. Yes, I agree that many churches today have benevolence funds and they are doing good for some, however my point is not that this is good or not, but by which SPIRIT and to whose glory is this done. That is quite another study and many of you know where I stand on that subject. Lord, Lord, did we not....... I have no qualms with "church" benevolence per se, my problem is with the mega and minor institutions raking in money to support non-essential nonsense like huge, grand buildings which are used to house so-called worshippers, their many sub-divisions, games, parties, functions, equipment, investments and the list goes on and on. This was NOT the intention of the first century Church leaders nor those of the true followers of Jesus.
And excuse me please, this TRUE example of caring for THE Saints was put in the Scriptures that it be followed today! Today's teaching of tithing is a lie like their brand of fast salvation and sinning one's way into heaven! The followers of Jesus in the first century as well as the FEW today, are a hands-on, "involved-in-the-lives-of" breed and the NT is CLEAR about it! The 10% lie is a perfectly staged scam for profit by manipulation. It's modus operandi is GUILT, fear or the devilish promise of some increase in goods to the giver. Does the "Prosperity Gospel" ring a bell? Today's teaching of tithing is 100% pure and unadulterated Wolf babble from Hell and I pray true believers can see this!
The "church" today is addicted to it's wealth and toys, NOT to ministering quietly and humbly to it's own. It's "own" are simply hosts for the leeches in the Business Offices. If you remember, I stated that the church of today shoots it's wounded. The TRUE church of God cares for it's own tenderly with the heart of it's LIFE, Jesus Christ. The true Church seeks not it's own glory or gain, golden facades or monetary wealth. The true Church gives ALL to the service of it's own and to spreading the TRUE Gospel. The true Church reads and studies the Scriptures and isn't afraid to call a lie a lie.
Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Jas:5:1
Speaking of our "care" organizations: Our first century brethren were not concerned about a tax deductible status when giving or ASKING for "donations" were they? The care of the Saints was not institutionalized or incorporated, regulated nor was a percentage of the "donation" taken out for their hellish operating expenses! Our corporate do-gooder middlemen feast on steak and lobster while those who they claim to be working to "help", languish with a loaf of bread, a praise CD and the corporate brochure featuring the gilded sanctuary and the lies of instant, on-demand salvation. Don't think so? Been to Africa lately!? Even the poor in Jesus' day were being ministered to whether they were saved or not! The gulf is wide here folks! The disparity crippling.
Take a look at our food pantry's down town except for the holidays when people make a guilt offering to feed the poor. These pantry's are virtually drained and empty most of the year! More poor enter the mainstream daily now. But our churches still have a band every Sunday, the pastor's 401-K is still in tact, the worshipers still wear their gold and silver to "worship", they claim the blessing of God, their sugar daddy! Imagine that. And the last time any one of them was hungry was after the milquetoast sermon on prosperity which sent them in droves to the nearest Sunday buffet! Lots of bucks to visit the buffet. The pantry's remain empty along with the bellies of the needy just down the street, even on Sunday. The disparity is greater than we can imagine and our Corporate churches claim to care, to serve Jesus? You tell me!? GO FIGURE.....
Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts,
as in a day of slaughter. Jas:5:5
So, how do we minister with our alms and offerings?
Many true Saints are scattered and distant from one another, today more so than in the past. We are called sojourners, visitors etc. How can these travelers on the narrow way fill an auditorium or stadium? The only time I read in history that Believers filled a stadium is when they were brought to the Coliseums of Rome and elsewhere to be fed to beasts or burned as human torches. If 60 thousand people "accepted" Jesus as Lord and Savior in the last Crusade in some local stadium today, wouldn't one think it would radically change the area they lived in? Wouldn't the local governments conform to Godly principals of governing? Wouldn't crime fall? If we look at the radical changes in the lives of TRUE Believers, wouldn't there be such a radical change in localities boasting of having thousands who have "come" to Christ? It is NOT happening, thus proving that the Word and Gospel of repentance, holiness and Godly conduct had not been preached. Some "other" gospel had instead. How hard is it to discern the spirits of those who claim to have been born again? Look at the changes in their lives and in the case of hundreds or thousands, look at the changes in their surroundings, their government, their conduct. Not happening today. But, let's get back to the subject here........
Some of us have the blessing of being able to physically sit down, study and fellowship with those of like mind and Spirit, headed up by a true spiritual leader. I know of a handful of churches that also do this and are truly assemblies of the True God. They have a roof over their heads and can worship and study God's word out of the rain. They don't concern themselves with anything else. The majority of Believers, as this writer can confirm, are far apart and away from that blessing of one-on-one fellowship. Today we have the much misused technologies of radio, TV and the Net which, contrary to the beliefs of some, can and are being used to further the True Gospel. I believe God will use every means for the furtherance of His Gospel and the edification and care of His Saints. Most of us who have come out of the church systems find ourselves a bit confounded when it comes to what to do with (what we had been duped into believing), our tithes. Based on first century Biblical examples and those of recent history I would propose a few practical, Godly options:
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 1Co:10:31
Regarding Saints near or far:
PRAY, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Eph:6:18)
If you have a monetary increase, help a struggling Saint with rent, clothing, food, fuel oil, car repairs etc.
If you belong to a small assembly or fellowship, do the same among you. Paul never spoke of "paying" for a bishop or pastor's lifestyle. The NT does not tell us Pastors were HIRED! They were ordained of God by the Holy Spirit doing the ordaining! Paul and the Apostles were poorer than all the Saints but Father saw to it that their immediate needs were met. They never lived in a place they called home, as Jesus never did either. In my Bible, there is no free ride and everybody works as they are given by God, to add to the common good of the Saints. Some have more, some have less. It is up to us to level the field that the less fortunate among the Saints are taken care of.
Give to your local food pantry's! Buy the food yourselves! Don't trust the middleman! You have unsaved poor right in your own neighborhoods, on your street, in your building. Give clothing, toiletries, etc. to local shelters. Forget Toys For Tots. You could do better feeding, clothing and housing the poor, not throwing your money away after this nonsense.
Do you have a local ministry you KNOW is of God which provides edification and Truth and furthers the Kingdom of God? Then support it as God convicts.
Do you know of a ministry that directly provides monetary aid to it's missionaries who preach the True Gospel of repentance and holiness? Then support it as God convicts.
There are many ways to give as the True Church did but I would not recommend today's "benevolent" foundations. I would suggest a hands-on approach locally, in your own neck of the woods. Don't leave the work up to someone else, Saints! Get in there and empty yourselves in the name of Christ. Do all in His name and forget yourselves. That is the essence of sacrifice. Whether you are hungry and destitute or living high on the hog, ONLY your eternal soul will fit through the Gate into Heaven or Hell. What you do with your time and resources is of great import in the here and now. Lay up your treasures in Heaven! (M't:6:19-20)
What I have presented here will obviously be seen as heresy to the corporate "foe". However, my Bible and the Spirit in me does not uphold nor endorse the false teaching of tithing prevalent today. I am sure I will catch hell for this. No matter, it is the Truth and it has been written as it has been written. Take or leave it. I love my God, His Truth and I love my brethren. Our modern churches are monuments to pride and worldliness. Their "doctrines" are gateways to utter spiritual destruction.
We must be aware at all times that everything we do is being judged (by God and others) at this very moment. Our actions speak much louder than words and our God is not blind or deaf. We will be called into account for the good and the bad. Pray we follow the Truth, search the Scriptures and obey God. Follow the examples set forth in the Bible, not in some book, study or long winded sermon based in simple greed. Check what you are being "fed" against the Word of God and trust no man! The Bible and prayer FIRST! We are LIVING sacrifices Saints, living sacrifices. As poor as dirt before God. To God's glory.
I want to leave you with a powerful quote from John Wesley's writing from March 1774:
"God trieth us every moment, weighs all our thoughts, words and actions, and is pleased or displeased with us according to our works. I see more and more clearly that there is a 'great gulf' fixed between us and all those who, by denying this, sap the very foundation both of inward and outward holiness."
"If we do not go on to perfection, how shall we escape lukewarmness, Antinomianism, hell fire!?"
Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers, Hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints; That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Philemon 1:3-6
[ Ministry disclaimer: I will not add Last Days Radio or those affiliated with it to the 'give' list! This ministry, like that of Paul and the old holiness preachers, the circuit riders, will find support from the God who has ordained that we be up here on the wall spreading His Gospel and exhorting His Saints to holiness and Godly living. We will not be barking for "love" gifts and the like. God has blessed this ministry as He has seen fit that this ministry do HIS work. I have received support from Saints in the past and I may well in future but at God's provision, NOT at my request for "donations". Hell will freeze over before I will ask for money for this ministry. God knows what I need, to do His work, when I need it. And HE provides accordingly. I bless the Saints who have heard His call and have provided for the operating needs of this ministry in the past, without my asking.

1 comment:

jared said...

Thanks for your word about tithe. There was a lot there to digest. Keep spreading the word and the freedom. I really liked what you had to say about faith.